

Curborough 12th Oct 2008
Shelsley Walsh 21st Sept 08
Gurston Down 23rd Aug 08
Loton Park 18th May 2008
Curborough 13th April 2008
Donington 2007
Loton Park 2006
Curborough 2006
Thoresby 2006
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bulletCars and everything about them! Below are some of my favorite  related Web sites:
bullet   Good place to visit if you are looking to buy.
bullet Hillclimb and Sprint Association motorsport club and excellent Magazine.
bullet Nottingham Sports Car Club A motorsport club.
bullet Shelsley Walsh Midland Automobile Club The motor club, one of the first, formed in 1901
bullet History Below are some of my favorite related Web sites:
bullet Bradbourne and Lea Hall Local History
bullet Results from Oakamoor Hillclimb 27th May 1911



bulletHistory of motorsport at Oakamoor

Sporting events for motor car and motor cycle owners were held regularly and attracted participants from many miles around in addition to local spectators. In September 1906 a hill climb organised by the Mid-Staffordshire Automobile Club was held at Oakamoor. The route was from the bridge to the Star Inn at Cotton. A press report of the event related how the chocolate coloured Daimler of Mr. F. A. Bolton of Oakamoor, the seventh Daimler that he had owned, ascended the hill at 35 m.p.h. whereas the other cars were capable of no more than half this speed. The cars were however handicapped depending on their horse-power and other factors. As a result of this, Mr. Bolton was only able to achieve second place, the winner of the £5 first prize being a Mr. Brindley from Stafford who drove a Clement Talbot.

In June 1912 the seventh annual contest for cars and the fourth annual contest for motor cycles took place over the same Star Bank course. The prizes for the winners were the 'Bolton' Challenge Cups presented by Mr. F.A.Bolton, who was at this time President of the Derbyshire and North Staffordshire Automobile Club. Both events were run on a handicap, knock-out basis with contestants ascending the course in pairs. The winner of the Cup in the motor car contest was R.Wilkie of the Yorkshire Automobile Club who was driving a 20 h.p. Vauxhall. D.C.Bolton performed creditably on his 3'/2 h.p. Rudge in the motor cycle contest and won a silver medal for putting up the fastest time. The final of this event was won by C.Smith of the Derbyshire and North Staffordshire Club. His machine was a 2.75 h.p. Douglas.



Link to map of venue on multimap Star Bank


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This site was last updated 10/24/08