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The Bolton Challenge Cups.

Text Box: The Bolton Challenge Cups.








Representatives of the Derbyshire and North Stafford, Mid-Stafford, and Nottingham Automobile clubs met in their annual competition at Oakamoor, on Saturday 27th May 1911, and opened the season with two hill-climbing events. Mr. F. A. Bolton, judged both com-petitions, and the starters were Mr. B. Granger (cars),and Mr. A. B. Bennett (cycles). The results were as follows:-


First Round.-N. F. Bayliss (Derbyshire and North Staffs.), 16 h.p. Sunbeam (8 2-5sec, start), beat W. H. Riley (Mid-Staffs.), 38 h.p. Daimler; D. J. Swainston (Leiceste), 25 h.p. Minerva, beat S. Heckstell-Smith

(Derbyshire and North Staffs.), 12 ;h.p. Humber (44 1-5sec. start); J. L. Kirk (Nottingham), 15 h.p. Talbot, beat G. A. Strutt (Derbyshire and North .Staffs.), 12 h.p. Sizaire (15sec. start); H. Belcher (Nottingham) (80 2-5sec. start) beat A. Doran (Leicester), 38 h.p. Minerva; M. Ross Browne (Nottingham), 15 h.p. Napier (44 4-6sec.start), beat A. G. Harley-Jones (Mid-Staffs.), 15 h.p. Talbot; H. A. Bennett (Nottingham), 12 h.p. Star (25 2-5sec. start), beat Jackson (Leicester). Byes: A. D. Hunt (Derbyshire and North Staffs.), 11 h.p.Brazier; F. Riley (Mid-Staffs.), 15 h.p. Talbot.

Second Round—A. D. Hunt (109 2-5sec, start) beat N. F. Bayliss; D. J. Swainston beat F. Riley (22 2-5sec. start); J.L Kirk beat H. Belcher (27 3-5sec. start); M. Ross Browne beat H. A. Bennett (7sec. start).

Semi-Final.-A. D. Hunt w.o., D. J. Swainston scr.; J. L. Kirk beat Al. Ross Browne (3-5sec. start). Final.-A. D. Hunt (58sec. start) beat J. L. Kirk. Fastest Times.-N. F. Bayliss, 69 1-5sec.; J. A. Doran, 81 4-5sec.; A. G. Harley-Jones, 91sec.


These contests provided some excellent sport, and there were several very, close finishes. . The two brothers, Mr. D. C. Bolton and Mr. E. J. Bolton, ran a great, race against each other, and the first mentioned, making the best use of a 4sec. start, just managed to win.

The trials eventually resolved themselves into a match between the holder of the cup, Mr. C. E. Fowkes (Mid-Staffs.) and Mr. H. C. Wellings (North Staffs.) Mr. Fowkes, receiving 3 4-5sec., was again successful, his opponent, who had run consistently throughout, gaining the silver medal. Mr. E. .J., J_ Bolton easily accomplished the fastest time, and secured the silver medal. Details:-

First Round.-D. C. Bolton (Derbyshire and North Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Triumph, beat W. E. Mudren (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. Humber (20 4-5 sec. start); E. G. Boisser (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. H. and M. (15sec. start), beat C. Warrington (North Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Humber; C. E. Powker (Mid-Staffs.), 3½ h.p. p. Triumph (13sec. start), beat E. V. Clarke (Derby and District), 3¼ h.p. Bradbury; J. A. Prendergast (North Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Rudge, (14 3-5sec. start), beat S. H Clarke (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. Bradbury; V. Jobson (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. Bradbury, beat E. Cotton (North Staffs.), 2 h.p. Humber (30 4-5sec. start); W. B. Rudge (Mid-Staffs.), 3½ h.p. L.M.C. (13 315sec. start), beat T. Jones (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. Rex; A. E. Mitcham (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. H. and M., beat Webster (North Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Triumph (3 4-5sec. start); J. H. Higson (Mid-Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Triumph beat H. Blair (North Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Rex (9 4-5sec. start); T. Waring (Mid-Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Triumph (19 2-5sec. start), beat 11. Gough (North Staffs.), 3½ h.p. Rex. E. J. Bolton (Derbyshire and North Staffs.), 7 h.p. Indian; A. Ainsworth (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. Rudge; G. Brough (Derby and District), 3½ h.p. Brough;-and J. C. Nevitt (Mid-Staffs.), 3½h.p. Bradbury, received byes; and R. T. Ashton (North Staffs.), 3¾ h.p. Scott, bad a walk-over.

Second Round.-D. C. Bolton (4 3-5sec. start) beat E. J. Bolton; A. Ainsworth (5 4-5sec. start) beat E. J. Boissier; C. E. Fowke (2 2-5sec. start) beat G. Brough ; J. A, Prendergast (3 2-5sec. start) beat V. Jobson; A. E. Mitcham beat J. H. Higson (4-5sec. start); T. Waring (4-5sec. start) beat J. C. Nevitt; and H. R. Wellings (North Staffs.), 6 h.p. Dot J.A.P., beat R. T. Ashton (76sec. start) ; W. B. Rudge received a bye.

Third Round.-A. 'Ainsworth (24 4-5sec. start) beat D. C. Bolton; C. E. Fowke beat J. A. Prendergast (3 2-5sec: start); A. E. Mitcham beat W. B. Rudge (4 1-5sec. start); and H. R. Wellings beat T. Waring (5sec. start).

Semi-Finals.-C. E. Fowkes beat A. Ainsworth (3 4-5sec. start); and H. R Wellings (1-5sec. start) beat A. E. Mitcham.

Final.—C. E. Fowkes (3 4-5sec. start) beat H: R. Wellings.,,

Fastest Times.-E. J. Bolton, 61 4-5sec.; D. C. Bolton, 66 3-5sec.; G. Brough, 68sec.

At the conclusion of the trials, Mr. Bolton entertained the competitors and their friends to tea at Moor Court.


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